I start most of my mornings with my daily meditation, a cup of warm lemon water, and a...
To Egg or Not to Egg. That is the Question. Eggs have been getting a lot of bad...

With all the new documentaries out there such as ‘Fed Up’ and ‘What the Health Documentary’ to name...
Are you one to drive yourself crazy on your vacation trying to stay super healthy? I was. There...
I don’t recommend you totally throw your wellness rituals out the window while traveling even though it’s all...
My love for food started at a young age. I think it has a little to do with...
There’s nothing quite like the stress you experience at work. No matter what your profession, chances are it...
Have you ever smelled something that triggered a specific memory or caused an emotional response? For me, the...
Reduce PMS Symptoms Article Collaboration with Care/of Vitamins. They deliver personalized daily vitamin packs directly to your door with...
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About Kali

Hello, we are the team behind Kali sharing our knowledge about all things female.
Kali is an organic tampon and pad subscription service, but we are much more than that. We are focused on empowering and educating women about what they are putting into their bodies and how to live a healthy, balanced lifestyle.
Kali is a big player in the tampon revolution on a mission to change the feminine hygiene market one tampon at a time. We are building a community focused on female empowerment and wellness.
August 31, 2017